How to Do Handprint Engraving for fingerprints, handprints, footprints, pawprints, noseprints, thumbprints etc you can include an Inkless Wipe Kit. We can laser engrave 2D images onto most of our pieces including our handmade rings (wide and chunky), our necklaces and our engraving blanks. Ask the clients to email you photos; if the photos are good quality then they can keep the originals. Some clients struggle with getting a clear photo in daylight which is suitable for engraving, so then you might ask them to post the original and then photograph it yourself. Include a label, with your client’s name and order number. Please remember to tell your client that the engraving might not be exactly to scale, ask them if they would prefer the entire print to be shown scaled down, or whether they would like a partial print that’s to scale (such as a fingerprint on the outside of a ring band, looking as if someone’s touched the ring). Although laser engraving is the easiest way to apply an image, there are more affordable options such as using an etching/routing machine or etching with ferric chloride and Press n Peel Paper but this needs to be done safely with training and full PPE.

*Taking prints from deceased people and pets
Working with Precious Metal Clay with 2D prints
[…] 3D Fingerprint Kits for Metal Clay* For fingerprints, thumbprints, noseprints etc you can include a 3D Putty Kit. Include a bag labelled with your client’s name and order number, ask them to make two but only send one because it’s irreplaceable if it’s lost in the post. To use the mould they return, fill it with glue from a hot glue gun, epoxy resin or layers of UV resin and that becomes the master to imprint into clay. Buy Precious Metal Clay here and follow tutorials. See our blog here Fingerprint Engraving and Metal Clay […]
[…] How to Do Handprint Engraving in 2D […]