Silicone Putty 3D Fingerprint Kit


Silicone Putty 3D Fingerprint Kit for silver clay jewellery making, ideal for making fingerprint or noseprint metal clay jewellery. 2.5ml part A and 2.5ml part B skin safe fast curing, non-toxic putty which sets in just 5 minutes. Also ideal for polymer clay pieces too. Simply send your client one of these kits along with Printed Sending Instructions (download included) and they will return a mould. Use the mould with a hot glue gun or some resin to make a positive of their print then press the positive into your clay to imprint it.

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Silicone Putty 3D Fingerprint Kit for silver clay jewellery making, 2.5ml part A and 2.5ml part B.. Find out more about sending kits, what to include and what to buy here in How To Make Sending Kits. Learn here how to make fingerprint jewellery. skin safe fast curing, non-toxic putty which sets in just 5 minutes.

We are now including the 3D Fingerprint Sending Kit Instructions 2021 PDF download free of charge when you purchase this, you can email these to your client or send a printed copy. All of our printable instructions can purchased here. Please read our full Terms and Conditions and FAQ page before ordering.

silver clay jewellery making
Silicone Putty 3d Fingerprint Kit, skin safe A + B pink mould making for fingerprints, paw prints, nose prints

Using a Silicone Putty 3D Fingerprint Kit

You can include them in a sending kit and it’s very important to use an Ultra Fine Sharpie to write on the client’s name and order number on the side and on the top. If you’re sending two kits for different prints, it can help to write the contents on the side. For example, pots 1 & 2 “Jane’s fingerprint” and pots 3 & 4 “Loki’s noseprint”. It’s a nice touch if you use washi tape around the edges to decorate the pots and tell them apart.

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Additional information

Weight 100 g


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