SEO for Breastmilk Jewellery is a tricky one that tends to have many of my clients hiding behind their glitter tubs, but it needn’t be that complicated. In order to get found online, you need great SEO and it’s actually not that hard!
SEO—short for search engine optimization—is about helping search engines understand your content, and helping users find your site and make a decision about whether they should visit your site through a search engine – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide, Google Search Central
If this feels hopeless and really complicated don’t worry, you’re not alone. Hopefully this blog will help you learn how to do your own SEO for breastmilk jewellery and get new clients from places you hadn’t considered before.
Is SEO Just For Websites?
No, search engine optimisation isn’t just for websites. You can do SEO on your Etsy for breastmilk jewellery kits, cremation ashes jewellery, fur and lock of hair memorials and keepsakes. You can also use it for social media on your TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. These days, sites like these prioritise content with SEO and you’ll find it’s much better than using endless annoying hashtags.
How To Do SEO for Breastmilk Jewellery
This part is surprisingly simple. I’ll use this image as an example:

This is a breastmilk bead I made for a client for Christmas. I took the photo of it with my DSLR camera (there’re modules in the Advanced Breastmilk Jewellery Course here on photography if you’re interested to know how I took and edited it). When I edited it in Lightroom, the image name was something like “img_45591” and it had no caption. I changed the title to “gold leaf breastmilk bead.tif” and added the caption you can see above.
Once I brought the image over to Tree of Opals, that caption was already there, so when I added the photo to the gallery on my breastmilk bead it already had all the info about it. If someone searches for “breastmilk bead” there’s a great chance that image is going to come up in the search results. If I’d left the caption blank and the title “img_45591” then it’s unlikely it would be found by the search engines at all. I’ve also added the image to my Later account where I plan out my social media posts (comment below if you would like to know how I plan 150 social media posts in just half an hour!). That caption comes over too and I use it for the posts on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.
Blogs like this really help too. Just do a blog on your website or even a Facebook post or document about something interesting about your business. It could be “How I Started Making Breastmilk Jewellery” or “Keepsake Jewelry in Texas” and just make sure you include all the search term a few times that people might be looking for on Google. I will go into more detail on the advanced courses here and you can watch YouTube tutorials to help. This guide is just to help you get started and learn what SEO is.
Don’t forget, once you’ve got your clients to your shop, you want them to spend as much money with you as you can whilst making sure they get good value for money and products they might have regretted not buying. Check out my blog here on Upselling and Linkselling Keepsakes which will help you on your journey making breastmilk jewelry sales. The concept is called a funnel, you use SEO to bring your clients to your shop then you funnel them down through picking out products, adding things on, buying extra items and upgrades for example, then you take them to the checkout. When a client pays, they’ve come out of the other end of the funnel that started with their Google search.
If you’d like a separate blog on funnels or any extra support, please leave a comment down below!