Breastmilk and Baby Necklace Stock Images

(3 customer reviews)


Over 40 Breastmilk and Baby Necklace Stock Images ideal for your social media such as Facebook and Instagram, websites like WooCommerce, Wix and Shopify. Does not include a physical shipped product. You will be able to download the photos shown in this gallery full resolution, royalty-free unwatermarked. Please watermark with your own branding before posting.

  • They will be marked as available to download after your purchase has been shipped and your order shown as complete, please purchase separately from physical shipped items so we can give you access sooner!

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These Necklace Stock Images will be marked as available to download after your purchase has been shipped and your order shown as complete. Does not include a physical shipped product. You will be able to download the photos shown in this gallery full resolution, royalty-free unwatermarked, plus many more. Please watermark with your own branding before posting.

Over 20 images! Images include many of our necklace settings with breastmilk, locks of hair, umbilical cord and placenta, all in various colours (using our resin sparkle mixes). Let your clients know that this is not the result they may necessarily get purchasing from you, results vary according to each artist’s time, patience, skill and the equipment and colours used. If your client has very yellowy milk (colostrum), results will vary, the same for light and dark hair, umbilical cord colour etc.

Please support Nikki’s business by purchasing these, you will get good quality sharp images which you can crop and use as you wish. Don’t take the product images and crop out the watermark, or screenshot somebody else’s. We have made these affordable for everybody, and we’ll add more images over time. So long as we are selling the rings, you’ll have access to the stock images without paying ongoing royalties. You are not allowed to use these images to sell the settings or kits without prior permission from Nikki.

We use Adobe Lightroom to watermark images, but there are lots of free apps out there that work great. Some websites will have a watermark generator in the media library or gallery.

Newer Images

We are adding new images all the time so if you’ve previously paid for this item and want the latest version with newer images, just let us know your original order number and ask that we re-add the product to your orders. Please note that lock of hair necklace photos are duplicated in both this and our Memorial Necklace Stock Images

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3 reviews for Breastmilk and Baby Necklace Stock Images

  1. kissedbythestarskeepsakes (verified owner)

    I love having these to download to be able to show customers what we can create!

  2. amy.blackman1234 (verified owner)

    Wellnworth it! Photography is not my strong point so this was jsut what I needed and great to be a led to show clients all the possible options!

  3. Jade Biddle (verified owner)

    These are so handy, a really helpful way to showcase colours styles and inclusions that can be offered.

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